Found House IHN operates an integrated set of programs that work together to provide the ongoing support that homeless families need. Each year, Found House touches the lives of hundreds of parents, kids, and pets through Emergency Shelter and housing programs.

Program  Number of Families Number of Individuals Attained or Retained Stable Housing Families that did not return to homlessness two years after exit
Emergency Shelter 69 199 84% 68%
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) 47 183 100% 100%
Rapid Re-housing (RRH) 68 252 98% 76%
Transitional-Housing/Rapid Re-housing (TH-RRH) 49 137 99% program still very new
Aftercare 59 225 97% 81%
Shelter Diversion 41 137 96% 90%
Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project 26 58 95% program still very new
Total 359 1,191 96% 82%